Strategic Plan


According to Transparency International, Uganda is one of the top 15% most corrupt countries in the world. The rich are getting richer while the poor and getting poorer. There are more than 15,000 children, aged between 7 and 14, living on the streets of Kampala. According to the Uganda Bureau of statistics (2009). Their lives are a constant battle for food and shelter while struggling to avoid regular physical and sexual attacks. The country has a rampant growth of domestic violence. According to UNICEF, it is estimated that 10,000 children and women are victims every year. Single parenthood and Child prostitution are on the rise, and one third of the sex workers are under 18 years old. And yet, even with all the hardship they endure, the people of Uganda are some of the most beautiful and open hearted you could ever be fortunate enough to meet.

Front Aid Foundation (FAF) is a non-profit cooperate entity limited by guarantee Reg:80020002100338 under the laws of Uganda established in 2019. The foundation’s aim is to bridge Schools and Local communities to realize human development through shared research, innovation and knowledge management that can sustainably promote community’s competitiveness by value addition on local products. The tripartite model is a hub for providing transformative solutions for community growth through local and international advocacy for sustainable development, shaping young (children, youth and women) ambassadors to drive environmental conservation.

This Strategic Plan lay out the planned activities, initiatives and key milestone that the foundation seeks to put in place with the current able and available leadership in partnership with the area District Local Government (DLG) structures, central government ministers and parastatals, international agencies & development partners and other private and public organizations with local operation in Uganda. FAF ideologies are laid on the foundation of helping those who are unable to help themselves to be able to help themselves.


            1.1 Introduction

The terrible things that happen across the world as seen on television news programs and films have numbed many people to grow indifferent and can no longer feel the suffering and pain of our fellows. Human beings continue to detach themselves from what they see, so as to protect themselves from suffering the pain they would feel. The result of this is that eventually human beings shut down that part of themselves that is able to feel entirely with other factors also contributing. Society continues to lose the ability to unconditionally love and care for others, and for themselves. The focus is on filling our waking hours with work and entertainment, bombarding our senses with distractions, rather than to face the true situation of the world we live in and our place in it. At Front Aid, we are working to awaken the sense of empathy, kindness and benevolence by creating an end point for philanthropy. The organization is established on love and selfless giving to the community where the kind can find an opportunity to give, share, empower, balance power through equitable resource sharing. The plan that FAF has is foreseen to eventually transform the socio-economic status of the community through giving to a noble cause that will empower children, youth and women to become self-sustaining climate ambassadors. This Strategic Plan is about opening our hearts and minds to the vulnerable, less fortunate and suffering of so many neglected children, youth and women who endure numerous challenges every day can be relieved, empowered and sent out as agents of change.

 1.1.1 In a Nutshell

The Foundation will build and operate a Center for Relief, Empowerment and Community Transformation in Wakiso, Central Region Uganda. The center is envisaged to have a main building that will house a shelter or orphanage to provide a permanent home for over 150 homeless children, temporary shelter for struggling at most 50 youth and temporary shelter for about 50 women/caregivers.

The center is also envisaged to have structures that support the training, healing and empowerment activities of the inhabitants including; a vocational school, health Unit, Classrooms and training facilities, and a demonstration farm for small scale agriculture. The center continuously gives back to the community by providing counselling services and short-term skilling programs at a grassroots level, while working with government Ministries and charitable organizations to improve the level of sustainability.

1.2 Vision

A platform where every child, youth and woman attain strategic skills to live sustainable and worthwhile lives.

1.3 Mission Statement

To care for, support and educate children, youth and women especially the victims of domestic violence, economic distress, and natural disasters.

1.4 Target Population

Front Aid foundation envisioned age inclined support to children (4-13years); youth-both male and female (14-24years) and young women (18 -30 years). These three categories will be selected based on their needs, vulnerability and first priority will be for children as 60% of the beneficiaries, 20% youth and 20% women. The children of interest will be orphans and neglected Children; the youth and women of interest will be victims of domestic violence, economic crisis and climate victims from destitute Families.

1.5 Indicators of Success

The empowerment and transformation of their lives will be achieved through provision of residential, educational, vocational, counselling, health care and personal development facilities in the community.

  1. Front Aid as a legally registered entity and recognized by local authorities will work with the local and central government, line ministries, local and international charitable organizations among other relevant partners.
  2. Addressing key and strategic issues of national and global importance like creating climate change awareness at grass root level as we equip the community with the climate smart techniques to cope up with the changing climate.
  3. Alignment with community focus, FAF has over the years of implementation in Wakiso district Identified community needs which it intends to address by intergeneration transformation through children, youth and women as the most vulnerable parties in a family for skilling to realize sustainable development.
  4. Vocational Skilling is one of the strategic avenues for sustainability of charitable initiatives. The envisioned center will provide opportunities for personal development by establishing facilities for direct international interaction, mutual learning and understanding, with the goal of helping to create a more balanced and peaceful world.

 1.6 Guiding Principles and Policy

 1.6.1 To Help and Relieve the Suffering

The guiding principles of the foundation is empathy and selfless service for human life and the planet. Compassion that seeks to help children, youth and women who suffer hardships, regardless of religion, race, class, age or circumstances. Help shall be offered rather than imposed and provided freely with absolute integrity and intention of selfless compassionate service.

The foundation advocates the importance of:

  • Climate change awareness
  • Compassion for others,
  • A healthy and moral existence
  • Social development

The Foundation recognizes that humanity is in a constant state of learning and development. Therefore, to provide the best possible service, the Foundation will also not be static in its thinking and approach but must strive to constantly develop and improve in every way possible. The Foundation will establish a demonstration center, where research for appropriate skilling into a wide variety of different activities will be undertaken to identify, bring together and establish a one stop for the life knowledge and wisdom most closely related to these principles.

1.2.3 Personal Development

The Foundation’s Residential Complex will not just be a bed for the night’, but a place that helps to develop and empower members with the aim of setting them up with a strong foundation for the best chance in life possible. Helping them to help themselves and become climate ambassadors, by offering formal and informal education so they can make their own choices leading to a more fulfilling and worthwhile life.

The Foundation believes that many problems in the world, such as destruction of the environment is a basic result of human ignorance.

Through a broad education and direct interaction between people of different communities, one would hope that humanity can grow to become more open-minded and compassionate, and less self-centered.

1.3 Activities

Activities will begin by the establishment of a small suitable property to function as a temporary orphanage. Once operations are established at these premises, land will be purchased and building work on a new orphanage, with capacity to home 100 to 150 children, will commence. The new orphanage will then be developed to extend the services provided from basic housing to include schooling, work training, Health care unit personal development activities and home industry projects. Furthermore, he target population to receive aid will be extended and facilities will be provided for single mother and jobless, neglected children and destitute families.

Front Aid Foundation Center for Relief, Empowerment and Community Transformation will have different functional Units as enlisted below

  1. Orphanage with a counselling and peace hub for victims of domestic Violence
  2. Farm that demonstrated and also produces food using the urban gardening approach in the compound and also a well assorted commercial farm for animal and crop production
  3. Schools, both primary and secondary vocation school with well-furnished workshops, laboratories & Library
  4. Skilling and Work Training Facilities
  5. Health care unit
  6. Home Industry Projects to train children, youth and women in entrepreneurship
  7. Community Outreach Mobile Team Activities

                        o    Counselling

                        o    Intermediary Work

                        o    Small Business Support

  • Virtual/Online Operations (Website and other telecommunication services to victims)
  • Sustainability and Fundraising Avenues

                        o    Apply for Grants and Donations

                        o    Charity Shop

                        o    Exhibitions

1.4 Future Plans and Development

The current plans already represent a significantly sized project which will take a number of years to establish. However, once the Organization is set up and running, it will form the blueprint for establishing similar projects in other communities and districts. As we learn and develop together, it is expected that we will make mistakes along the way. What is important is that we learn from those experiences and incorporate what we have learned into providing a continually improving service and blueprint for the future.

The details of the Current and future Plans are clearly elaborated in the ten (10) Work Plan.


 2.1 Organization Summary

A legal entity will be established. To focus on the provision of charitable activities and fund mobilization. With numerous positions as enlisted below

2.1.2 Front Aid Foundation

Front Aid Foundation is already set up in Uganda as a charitable non-profit company limited by guarantee. The end result of this entity is to provide Social, Educational and Economic Empowerment to Children, Youth and Women. The foundation will also provide opportunities for climate change victims to support them with knowledge and skills that build their capacity in the areas of adaptation, mitigation and resilience. In this way it is hoped that people can achieve a more global view on life, appreciating the positive and negative factors of climate.

2.2 The Team

2.2.1 Executive Director- ZZiwa Edward

2.2.2 Operations Manager- Agaba Emmanuel

Emmanuel over 9 years’ experience working in Orphanages and for most of that time was Head of the Government Orphanage in Solo City, with responsibility for approximately 50 children. Since 2017 Emmanuel has been working as Head of the Social Rehabilitation Department of the organization Social Department, where he is responsible for street children, disabled (including deaf, dumb, blind and mentally disabled) children, beggars, homeless people, drug addicts and HIV & AIDS sufferers. Emmanuel is so passionate on children livelihood

 2.2.3 Human Resource Manager- Kitata Simon

2.2.4 -Finance Manager

2.2.5 Ahimbisibwe Michael- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Manger

Michael the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manger on part time basis, is an Environmental Scientist by training with a Master’s degree in Renewable Energy from Makerere University. He is a young professional passionate about Research & Development; highly motivated to engage and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on Innovation and sustainable solutions within Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Michael has worked with Front Aid Foundation, Real Food Systems International, UNDP, and Austrian Development Coordination Office-Kampala and had graduate training at National Crop Resources Research Institute and Bushenyi Local Government.


 The Foundation has and will continue providing support to the children, youth and women in the community. The services are envisioned to be affordable hospitable and nondiscriminatory within the orphanage that will be constructed immediately. The property will be refurbished as and when the foundation secures the necessary support to install the required furniture and appliances. Qualified staff will continue to be hired in addition to the existing and the orphanage will start to receive its first children.

During the following eighteen months extensive work will be carried out to source donations for the continued running of the orphanage and for the building project. It is expected that within these six months the orphanage will be running smoothly and enough contributions will have been collected to begin building.

3.1.1 Orphanage

The first activity at the complex will be to build and operate the new orphanage. The building will have two stories and be built in a U shape configuration around an open courtyard. The upper level will be entirely residential, with girls on one side and boys on the other. Younger children will sleep in dormitories of 10 children per room while older children and young people will be accommodated in smaller rooms with 4 people per room. The upper story will also provide a living room, washrooms, toilets, and single rooms for live-in helpers. The ground floor will provide the activity rooms. These include the crèche & nursery, kitchen, dining room, study room, computer room, living room, office and first-aid room.

The Foundation’s policy is to help all those children and young people who are in need, regardless of religion, nationality, race, class, age and circumstances. However, need’ will be assessed on a case by case basis. Where it is possible to re-integrate young people back into society or re-unite children with their families, this will always be the preferred option. For those members who live at the house, it will aim to provide an encouraging, loving, happy and stable environment while instilling a good understanding of right and wrong, and an appreciation of the needs of others through close communal interaction.

Children will initially attend local village schools, although they will receive extra informal education. As the climate is changing rapidly learning smart techniques on adaptation, resilience and mitigation, members will have many more choices and opportunities available to them for their life after leaving the Foundation.

The Foundation will develop a website which will include an on-line chat area where children will have the opportunity to communicate with other children from around the world. Here they will be able to discuss, relate, learn and develop their understanding about environmental issues.

In conjunction with this, exchange programs will be established with other groups around the world, giving children the opportunity to visit and experience first-hand other cultures and ways of life.

Other opportunities offered to women will include personal development activities, vocational training, and for some, employment.

 3.1.2 Health care Unit

At the complex, an emergency health social service resource will be needed for foster children, as at-risk children in the community, children and women from different areas of the parts of country, which have suffered different natural disasters, victims of domestic violence, neglected children.

Healthcare is a vital need for the children and women in the community.  With an emphasis on prevention and care, this unit will provide support for the community by offering them accessible, quality healthcare search as Immunization services, counseling and guidance, Safe male circumcision, Community out reaches and family planning services.

 3.1.3 School and Library

A school will then be constructed. Children will not only learn the informal education they would learn in a local school, but also receive a higher standard of education in the climate, a broader world view on subjects such as history and religion, and an additional focus on the natural world and the world we live in.

With regard to religion, the school will provide a bias-free and complete education in the main world religions as well as a variety of traditional faiths. Members will receive the proper foundations to decide the way which is best for themselves, while learning to respect the beliefs of others.

The school will provide the children and young people with a solid educational foundation, from where many more opportunities will be available to them than would otherwise have been possible. Volunteer teachers will be invited from abroad to provide assistance and additional material. The use of volunteer teachers will not only provide an excellent additional resource for the school but also provide the volunteers with a wonderful opportunity to experience the Ugandan culture first hand.

3.1.4 Work training

Many street children and women have very limited schooling and even less vocational training. The first barrier to cross is teaching the value of working, of creating something to be proud of and receiving direct remuneration for this work, rather than begging or submitting to physical and emotional abuse for money. By offering a variety of in-house vocational training programs and funding attendance at established external vocational training centers, members will not only be taught a useful trade to sustain themselves in the future but they will also develop self-respect and confidence as a direct result.

Vocational Programs on offer will include, but not be limited to:

  • Briquettes Production
  • Clothing / Tailoring
  • Automobile Mechanics
  • Farming
  • Art and Crafts
  • Bakery
  • Soap making
  • Crocheting

Prior to starting a program, members will be evaluated as to where their passion and abilities lie. Priority will be given to matching a member’s area of passion and ability with specific programs, thereby providing them with the best chance of enjoyment and success.

                        3.1.5 Personal Development Activities

Team and adventure activities are an excellent means of developing self-respect and self-confidence of members who take part. Participants also learn how to become a productive member of a team, to rely on others and accept the responsibility of others relying on them. These are all valuable attributes which allow for the opportunity of creating a more fulfilling and rewarding life for oneself.

The Complex will include activity and sports areas, as follows:

  • Children Play Station/ area (bouncing castle, rope swings, etc.)
  • Sports area (football, net ball, volley ball etc.)

Also regular adventure trips for older members will be arranged, such as :

  • Jungle and mountain treks,
  • Camping and
  • Beach trips

The physical activities mentioned above will be balanced with climate change activities. The Foundation will provide opportunities for studying traditional and modern ways of environmental conservation. Teachers for these activities will be recruited on a local and national level. In addition, poems, songs and plays will be composed, directed and presented on different occasions. They will not only be a source of entertainment but also used as a means of passing on environmental conservation teachings. Participants will be encouraged to write their own plays based on their personal understanding.

                        3.1.6 Home Industry

Women of a working age will be offered the opportunity of working within the Foundation’s Home Industry business. For most who choose this option it will be for a short term only, as a means to accumulate some savings in preparation for leaving. Products produced will focus on those items most suitable for sale, such as handicrafts, charcoal briquettes, small furniture items and garments.

                        3.1.7 Farm

A Farm and Orchard will be created where members of the foundation will look after a number of livestock and grow fruits, herbs and vegetables.

Importantly, by working to help nurture animals and plants, it is hoped that members will develop increased self-respect and respect for the environment, also a greater feeling of self-worth and confidence. All these are qualities often lost from a life on the streets. By having these qualities re-installed, members should be much better equipped to live a fulfilling life in society.

The farm will also provide a supply of natural organic foods for the Complex. Members will be encouraged to appreciate and become aware of the effect that food has on their bodies and grow to be more healthy individuals with a better quality of life as a result. Members involved with the farm and cooking at the Complex will study food nutrition and traditional herbal remedies to help provide everyone with the solid basis for a healthy body and mind.

                                    3.1.8 Residential Unit

A small basic house unit will be built with 20 rooms and capacity for 40 visitors. This will be used for providing accommodation to visiting volunteer workers, other visitors and tourists.

            3.2 Mobile Activities

A mobile unit will be created to visit and provide aid to prostitutes, street and neglected children destitute families. Trained counsellors and helpers will provide aid where needed. A helpline shall also be advertised for people to call for assistance, which the mobile unit will respond to.

                        3.2.1 Counselling

Trained counsellors will visit street children to listen to their problems and provide advice and assistance as required. Assistance will be provided to help gain access to government services, such as healthcare, free schooling, birth certificates and identity cards.

Advice will be provided on the risks of drug abuse and also the value of education. Work training and some employment will be offered from the Residential Complex.

                        3.2.2 Intermediary

It has been estimated that there are around 50,000 street children in Uganda. In many instances street children have run away from home to search for a better life. They may have been beaten or sexually abused by their relatives or there may simply not have been enough food to go around. Some are lured away from home by friends with talk of great opportunity. Whatever the reason for leaving, what these children usually find is a life spent either begging for money on a polluted city street or being forced into a life of prostitution.

Street children are considered to be the lowest class of society. In many cases the main reason that the children do not return home is due to embarrassment. They fear embarrassment in front of their family and the embarrassment they would bring upon their family within society.

Trained counsellors will visit the street children and strive to find their families. Then, working with both parties as an intermediary, establish communication between the two and, where possible, find a means to reunification.

After reunification, regular visits will continue to ensure the child is living in a satisfactory and safe family environment.

                        3.2.3 Small Business Support

Many families suffer financially, due to lack of basic financial awareness or limited capital. The mobile unit will visit family businesses to provide financial management advice. This will be an ongoing process to help establish families with a stable and secure source of income.


            4.1 Fundraising Activities

                        4.1.1 Online Sales

The online small internet business will be established to sell products that will be produced by the children and women at the complex. An online shop will initially be set up on the foundation’s own website shop. As a result of this help and no requirement for a physical retail shop, start-up costs will be greatly reduced. By cutting out wholesale and retail overheads, the foundation will be able to offer very affordable prices while still achieving a reasonable contribution for the Foundation.

The homebased production team will provide photographs of items, marketing merchandise and website development to assist with setting up the online shop.

  • Shipping and import costs,
  • Delivery van and running expenses,
  • Driver’s salary,
  • Stock Supervisor’s salary,
  • Administrator’s salary and
  • Overheads.

                        4.1.2 Handicraft Shop

Establishing a Handicraft Shop at the complex has a two-fold purpose. The shop will provide a contribution for the charitable activities of the foundation and also provide children and women with the opportunity of living and working in same environment. Products sold in the shop will primarily be handicrafts, garments and small furniture items made by the members of the Foundation in Uganda.

                        4.1.3 Application for Grants & Donations

The few companies and individuals who have been made aware of the ideas set out in this proposal have already expressed a strong desire to provide assistance. Once the legal entities have been set up, formal grant and donation applications will be made. Target donors will initially be companies where a connection and relationship already exists (approximately 10) and existing grant making charities and foundations. Applications will also be made to other local companies and individuals.

Further down the line, donations will also be requested through:

  •    the Foundation’s website,
  •     the Handicraft shop at the complex,


            Head Office at the complex, under the direct control of the Members of the Board, will be responsible for financial management and maintaining the fund bank accounts.

Two fund bank accounts will be operated, one for an Unrestricted Fund and another for a Restricted Fund.

            5.1 Funds Management

The Foundation guarantees that all funds donated are used to support authorized projects or activities, at grassroots level, as detailed in this Business Plan.

Three funding methods will be open to donors, an unrestricted fund, a restricted fund and a Child sponsorship fund.

                        5.1.1 Unrestricted Fund

Income to the Unrestricted Fund will be used to finance any of the authorized projects and activities as detailed in this Business Plan. The specific project that receives support and the timing of the support will be at the judgment of Head Office.

                        5.1.2 Restricted Fund

Donors may wish to donate to a specific project, such as the school or health care unit, or to a specific area within a project, such as the clothing or medical requirements at the orphanage. In this case, the contribution will be held in a Restricted Fund. Income to the Restricted Fund will only be used for the specific project requested by the Donor. If the situation arises that some projects are heavily over-funded while others are terribly under-funded, then the original Donors may be contacted and asked if they are willing for their contribution to be re-allocated to a different project.

                        5.1.3 Child Sponsorship

A sponsorship program will be established where Donors can become Sponsors of one or more children at the Foundation.

To become a Sponsor requires a commitment. Sponsors are asked to provide, as a minimum, for the basic living, clothing and schooling costs of the child up until the age of 16. Any additional contributions will be held on trust for the child until they reach the age of 16 and in accordance with any special requests from the Sponsor.

It will be Sponsors free to select the child that they wish to sponsor. 

            5.2 Financial Reporting

                        5.2.1 Internal Reporting

The Foundation will maintain separate and proper books of account for each of the activities undertaken, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Each of the Operational Units shall be required to prepare and submit monthly financial reports to Head Office, who will undertake constant review and control of income and expenditure at the operation units.

The accounts preparation and reporting structure will be as follows:

                        5.2.2 External Reporting

Head Office shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of Annual Financial Reports to the Board of Trustees at the Annual General Meeting.

Annual Reports shall then be available on request for Donors and Members of the Foundation.

The Annual Report shall include the following:

  1. Report of the Trustees
  2. Review of Activities
  3. Review of Financial Statements
  4. Future Plans
  5. Financial Statements
  6. Balance Sheet
  7. Income & Expenditure Statement
  8. Cash Flow Statement
  9. Independent Auditor’s Report
  10. Notes to the Accounts
  11. Appendices
  12. Views of the Children & Members
  13. Photos

Uganda suffers corruption in all levels of society. Many people are unwilling to make donations when they cannot be sure that their contribution will really end up where they expect it to.

A Donor numbering system will be included within the Foundation’s accounting reporting system, to help provide assurance to Donors that their contributions are really being used on what they donated to.

At the time they make a contribution, each Donor will be given an individual reference code specific to them. Included in the Notes to the Accounts will be a list of the Donor numbers and the amount of donation received. Using a number system ensures anonymity for the Donors, while they can still see that their donation was correctly received and contributed towards the authorized expenditure of the Foundation. In this way, Donors can feel comfortable that every penny they contribute is really getting directly to those who need it most.